On June 11th many gathered to await the vote on Rhode Island's Reproductive Privacy Act (H5125B). Walking towards the State House, chants permeated the doors and were audible from the street. The building was pulsing. Inside, a sea of blue and pink Pro-Life and Pro-Choice activists mixed among an unexpected turnout of gun control/rights individuals, dressed in yellow and orange. Wearing black clothing devoid of text or statement, I was able to exist among a divided room in a neutral state, creating the opportunity to see how each individual would choose to treat me. Most appeared unsure or impartial. Some were alarmed and condescendingly presumed I opposed whichever opinion they stood for. One particular individual wearing a yellow gun control shirt refused to stop recording and provoked me saying, "Fu**ing idiot, smile for the camera, sweetheart." Saying it was a loud day would be an understatement.Senate did not vote today but rather transferred the bill from the Judiciary Committee to Health & Human Services, in response to, "...the attempt by Minority Leadership to try and circumvent the legislative process and decide the fate of this bill on their own."(1) Potential hearing scheduled for Thursday at 6:15 pm. 

(1) Statement from the RI Coalition for Reproductive Freedom On Reproductive Privacy Act.



